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Last name *
Email *
Date of birth
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Where do you come from?L'Aquila  Rome  Italy  Europe  Rest of the world 

Your personal data will be processed by Fondazione MAXXI (Data Controller) also with the aid of IT tools for sending the newsletter. The provision of personal data is optional. However, failure to provide, even partially, the requested data shall prevent the provision of the services requested. You have the right, pursuant to art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/03, to receive confirmation of the existence of the data and to update it, delete it or oppose its use by contacting the Data Controller. The full notice can be read on the page


Do you authorise the processing for the purposes specified above?  Si  No

Your personal data may be processed for statistical, promotional and/or market research purposes by Fondazione MAXXI, or transferred to third party companies for the same purposes, as specified in the full notice available on the page  

Do you authorise the processing of your data for statistical purposes?  Yes  No
Do you authorise the processing of your data for promotional purposes?  Yes  No
Do you authorise the processing of your data for market surveys?  Yes  No
* mandatory information